If blasted at an enemy (or even a group of them), they'll slow to a crawl, allowing you to either focus your attention to enemies elsewhere or selectively dismember the poor sod. Stasis's effectiveness, when used offensively, can not be overstated. Weapons aside, you have two other tools that can be used against these guys: Stasis and Kinesis. In fact, most enemies will perish immediately if you can manage to destroy all their limbs-just be quick, otherwise they may respawn! In addition, you can slow most bipedal enemies down by aiming for their legs-it may not stop them, but it'll buy you more time to target the rest of their body. Instead, you want to aim for the limbs (arms, legs, tentacles) as these are the aliens' main weakness. Oh, and forget what you know about most first-person shooters, as aiming for the head won't work here. Thankfully, their appearances are often based on some kind of trigger, such as entering a new room or activating a switch or grabbing an item, so be prepared anytime you perform one of these actions. As such, you should be prepared for them to appear at any moment-always, always have your gun at the ready. The Aliensĭead Space's aliens like to hide and pop out at the most inopportune times, whether it be from a vent or around a corner.

If you hate being caught by surprise, or simply aren't sure how to tackle the enemies in a given room, our walkthrough will give you the information you need to forge through. Well, we should say "mostly derelict." For you see, while you may be the only living human left on the ship, you're not exactly alone…

You'll find yourself asking these very questions as you explore the derelict mining ship, Ishimura. What was that sound? Did that shadow just move? Why is there a monster-shaped hole in that wall?