Solitude is Belfast, which actually makes me a bit nervous considering how radically dissimilar the two seem, but I suppose it kind of makes sense. Most of the other Holds in Skyrim follow suit. Riften and Cork actually have quite a lot in common: a distinctive accent, a thriving pub scene, a vast criminal underworld from which all the strings are pulled by nefarious ventriloquists hellbent on watching the world burn, a harbour - like I said, unequivocally congruous. If we superimpose a map of Ireland onto Skyrim’s map, Riften becomes Cork, the home of Franciscan Well ales and possibly the county in which Sir Walter Raleigh planted Ireland’s first potato - although this is widely disputed among connoisseurs of the spud scene. As it turns out, if you rotate Skyrim’s map 90 degrees clockwise, it’s almost an exact replica of Ireland, to the extent that its major cities correspond geographically with the Emerald Isle’s metropolitan loci.Ĭonsider Riften, infamously renowned as the home of the illustrious Thieves Guild. However, although people have unearthed a plethora of intricate details about the inner machinations of Skyrim’s wonderful world, it was only this week that I came across an intriguing post on r/Ireland about its map. At this very moment, thousands of people are engaging colossal dragons in combat, while thousands more are likely plundering trinkets and thingamajigs from the depths of murky dungeons, ravaged by legions of the undead. Bethesda’s behemoth RPG, Skyrim, is still relevant today.