In building my own template in ProTools I have found out many things and I ran into problems like this as well. I can get around this by disconnecting the VE Pro plugins that I am not using but I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions or thoughts as to why the CPU usage goes so high? Look at the CPU usage (at this point it will be significantly higher).Load at the CPU usage (it is consistently a low number).I have fully verified this high CPU usage is definitely when my Pro Tools template loads up. Pro Tools is configured with a buffer size of 1024.The template is configured with a 24-bit bit rate and 96KHz sample rate.Each VE Pro plugin is configured to be connected, preserved and decoupled with 2 buffers.Seven aux tracks have the VE Pro plugin inserted.One aux track for each output that is used from each VE Pro channel.One MIDI track for every instrument loaded into VE Pro.1). For the ones where they aren't the same instrument, each library routes to it's own stereo output. For instances where all of the libraries are the same type of instrument, they all route to the same stereo output (st. Each instance of Kontakt can route to up to 16 stereo outputs.Multiprocessor support in Kontakt is turned off.

All instruments are purged so that by default no samples are loaded.There are some instances where this is not the case. Most instances of Kontakt have one or more libraries of the same kind of instrument.Each channel has one instance of Kontakt.Per instance: 3 threads, 16 MIDI ports, 32 audio outputs, 2 audio inputs.Pro Tools and VE Pro are currently running on the same computer.One of the drives contains all of the libraries loaded into VE Pro. Two 3.33 GHz 6-core processors (24 virtual cores).Mid-2012 Mac Pro running macOS Sierra 10.12.6.Here is some information on my configuration: If it's too high the audio is garbled and it basically doesn't work. I have noticed that when my Pro Tools template loads up, the CPU jumps up anywhere between 1500% and 1750%.

I have a corresponding template in Pro Tools 12 that is built to work with my VE Pro template. I now have a VE Pro template that seems to be stable. I was first having an issue with VE Pro crashing but I have resolved that by reducing the number of instanes of Kontakt that I have loaded.